The boat transom isn't a factor - the outboard is PUSHING on the transom, loading it in compression, much more than the tension a water-skier will pull.
Here you can run through my calculations for a 2" T4-Aluminum tube in bending stress. Using a safety factor of 3, the safe load (maximum) each tube can take is 415 lbs. So the tower should be OK up to 800 lbs of kids... I'd appreciate any feedback or double-check on my numbers!

We took some leftover tubing and put it up in the barn rafters... and loaded it up with some weight!
Here we tested it with a 140 lb kid. No bending or breaking yet - though the rafters creaked...

The rafters were moaning and groaning! The tubing yielded slightly... less than 0.1 inches as far as we can measure. I think the bending of the tube was more because of the 'point loading' of the tube on the 2x6 in the rafter, though.
So, our numbers aren't too far off, and we are alittle more confident the tubing will hold on the tower. Now - on to the water!