All this great weather we've been having in the Pacific NorthWest - we had to get out on Saturday to fish! Salmon is closed... so we gave it a try for Shad. The Shad are just starting to run, but there are a few! Here is the hopeful crew rigging up.

And we got one! This is her first fish, and boy was she excited to be out fishing with everybody. She told Mom now she is so big she doesn't have to stay home while everyone else goes out to catch the fish. Of course she couldn't stop playing with it in the bucket...

Here is the 2nd fish of the day - I didn't have to do a thing. Older brother did the netting, and she fought the fish like a Pro. Dad just had to work the camera.

We only caught these 2 fish in the hour and-a-half we fished. The two outside boats caught about 10 in the 6 hours they had been there. The Shad run is still spotty, but it will soon fire up.
We were in 12 feet of water at the picket fence in St Helens, on the Columbia, in case you were wondering.