Since my son caught a fly rod out of the lake when fishing a few weeks ago, he has had the bug - out practicing his casting, reading, and dreaming about fly fishing.
He wanted to tie a fly, so we finally dug out all my old stuff.

I haven't had this stuff out since I was 13 years old, when we lived out in Colorado! I remember saving and scrapping together money for bits of fluff and feathers - I had it bad back then. Good thing I saved it all, too, because I've got boys eager to try their hand. I showed them a quick dry-fly pattern, and they loved it.

Next I showed them a good wet-fly pattern I've had luck with, too.

They spent the rest of the day having a great time! It goes to show - true fishermen are almost as happy planning, prep'ing, and dreaming of fishing!

They each tied up 8 or 9 flies. Lots of ideas, and lots of practicing. They've gotten pretty good at the basics!

They came up with some pretty good tries, too! I've already got a box of the 'traditional' wet and dry patterns, so we concentrated today's labors on the "secret weapons!" They are now eager to get out and 'field test' these babies. Lots of fun. I've created MONSTERS!