Now that we made it to Grandma's house, its time to hunt deer! There have been alot of deer out in the alfalfa and wheat fields - we saw almost 50 animals that Sunday night we drove in!
The next morning we loaded up!

This first morning, 2 of us moved up through the small canal toward the 2 waiting uncles. We had does crossing in front of and behind us all morning!
Here's a great 3x4 buck one uncle shot. A group of 12 or more bucks were bedded in the wheat, and headed out past the house on their way to the sage brush. This one was shot near Grandma's house and shop! Nice Buck!

Here is the 2nd buck of the morning. We didn't see the big whitetail bucks that had been on the place...

After the successful morning hunt and excitement, we went into Cody, WY for some supplies.
The weather was beautiful - clear and warm!

About lunchtime, we spotted a couple of animals out in the wheat and went to check them out!
Nothing to shoot at, though...
The boys were eager to get out. We decided to regroup and head back out for an evening hunt...

... and before we could even get to where we wanted to hunt, we caught this dude sneaking back into the wheat fields from the sagebrush!
He's a nice buck! Not really huge, but decent. After the first shot, I looked back at the boys and they were all grins!
The first shot hit him in the lungs, and he was off running for the canal and BLM land. We were in hot-pursuit!

He tried to lie down twice before we finally got him.
Not really heavy antlers, but very pretty and symmetric. My only regret was that we still had 10 days of hunting! We saw alot of nice smaller "shooter" bucks.
A great day of hunting - it was especially good that the boys were along for the fun!

Here you can see the far hillside we first saw and shot him on.
He ran about 400 yards before ending up here.

As we loaded him into the pickup, another beautiful Wyoming sunset closed the day...
...at least for the outside stuff...

The girls were eager to go and see the horses at the barn... so with the animal hanging up, and the blood washed off, we went to see the horses!

Mom spent the day marinating one of the salmon we brought - the one we froze whole.
It was fantastic! Lots of family came and we had a great dinner.
We apologized for only bringing a 'small one' to dinner!

After dinner, all the kids had fun whooping on their older cousins.
A great day of hunting, family, and good food - and vacation had just started!