Its old news by now, but last night we got ALOT of snow - really fast, too. Just in time - the kids were getting BORED!
You can see - we got about 4-5 inches in just a few hours.

Playing in the snow is fun... but playing in the snow at night is BEST!
Here you can see an ambush-in-the-making.

The snow was perfect for a snowman.
After the snowman was done, and our arms tired from throwing snowballs, it was time for SLEDDING!

The dog and little girl rode in the truck with Dad - nice and warm.
Our dog loves being in on the fun, especially when she can be warm and petted.

Our hill isn't quite steep enough for speed, so we tie on the sleds to the back of the pickup. There is speed enough behind there!
Hang on, kids!
You can see they've done this before...

Even when its your turn to ride on the truck it is fun.

After an hour or so up and down the lane, it was time for cocoa!
We put a curtain-rod up above the woodstove and it works great for hanging coats to dry.
Nice and toasty.

This morning was beautiful and quiet outside.
You can see the boat is nice-n-dry in the new boathouse!

The peace and quiet didn't last too long - the kids are up and out.

And soon it was time for more sledding.
Even the little ones got in on the action today.

Here's an action shot.
Not alot to do when driving...

In between runs there was plenty of snow to throw.
Nice shot!
Snow in the Pacific Northwest is always good for packing and playing in. The best part about the snow is that it doesn't last long and will be gone soon!