Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cutting the Christmas Tree

Today was beautiful, clear, and cold out. And time to cut down a tree for Christmas.

We have several left in the pasture, but they are all getting tall. There are two Noble firs, and a handful of Grands.

This year we cut a Grand. Its time to plant new ones this spring.

Here's making the first cut. It wasn't clear which way this tree was leaning, or wanted to fall.

Glad it fell the right way!

They always look so BIG when they are laying on the ground!

It was great this year having someone to help me drag it all the way back to the house!

Here's the front room.

Perfect for a nice, big tree.

And here is the tree! It turned out really nice.

After the tree is up we let all the kids sleep under it. It is a fun tradition and they have a great time.

Now... on to decorating!