There are a bunch of pines in the front of the house that need to go - they are getting too big, and some of them really were hammered in last years snow storm.
You can see these two leaning badly, and about dead.

We usually wait until winter for most of the wood cutting - it is great on a cold day to cut, split, and stack.
It is really a fun time for all of us working together, and it keeps the kids busy.

Now the real work starts.

And he loved riding in the truck back to the burnpile.

We had thought of burning it today, but wanted to get the tree up, instead.

They had a great time, and got alot of the leaves burned up too.
Even with the cold, the boys loved riding in the back.

It is great how opened up it makes the front, and wonderful to have some good, physical work to do outside in the beautiful weather.