Hopefully the steelhead fishing is good when the rivers are back in shape.
In the meantime, all the rain is good motivation to get gutters up on the shop's addition for the boat. Here is one gutter up and it is GREAT!

We also drilled holes and rivetted the pieces for added strength.
In the spring we'll seal the seams when the weather is warmer.

Plus, they are pretty proud of their seamless gutters.
All in all, they went up smoothly and look very nice...

Wow - it happened fast, and went about 1/4" deep. Really didn't hurt much, but felt funny feeling the drillbit twist up the meat inside the finger.
Fortunately it has healed quickly and really no pain. Alot of blood at first, but now it is in great shape.
My jaw didn't lock up, either (yet) so hopefully this is a LOW COST lesson well-learned.