Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eating the Profits - Beef... its what we had for Dinner!

A new thing we tried this weekend is canning STEW. It worked (and tastes) FANTASTIC! The trick is to NOT overcook the potatoes and carrots - so they stay firm after canning.

It is sure nice having bottles of this on the shelf - fast food!

While we are talking about meat... the meat chickens are growing FAST! One of the big males (now at 6-7 weeks) put on more than a pound this week. He measured 3lbs and 3oz.

This one has mastered the trick of eating in bed! He seems very content to sit there and eat himself silly.

We had fresh steak that night, and potatoes with onion gravy. Yum! Fresh califlower and carrots from the garden - all topped with the peppery pear salsa.

The mint-pears also turned out great - just the perfect hint of mint.

Good livin'