Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Project - Shelves for the Shed and Ka-Ka for the Garden

With our hands still 'dirty' from the last home repair, we thought it a good time to suppliment the garden with the sweet stuff. Here is one boy hauling manure from the neighbor's up to put on the garden.

Some of the corn is alittle light, needing more nitrogen. Ka-ka = nitrogen, so we haul up the Ka-ka.

The first picking of the peas and some more carrots came up. Yum! The kids really don't complain much about the weeding and manure when they get to pick the food.

This week the beans should be ready to start canning... yeah! Stay tuned for that one...

The berries are loading up, and many have ripened. With all the hot sun, they are needing water pretty regularly. The ripe ones last about 10 minutes - the kids seem to have a built-in radar for detecting them.

The 2 year old has made the berry patch a part of his regular route when outside... and he isn't picky enough to require them to be ripe.

As a side-note, the baby swallows have put all those feedings to good use! They've gotten big, and are peering out regularly. These dudes are bug-eating machines and fun to watch. Only problem is they leave droppings all over the boat cover...

The last chore for the weekend was to put shelves into the new Garden House. The house is great - especially now with the ramps and mowers out in it.

... but without shelves, its just a shell...

Here is one side of the shelving. This side is level with the sink and utilized most of the scrap from building the house itself.

As soon as the shelves were up, out came the colored pots... now its looking like a Garden House!

Here are the other shelves - we made these taller to take advantage of the sun, add variety, and accomodate our taller family members...

They are sturdy and nice! The kids have proven them strong enough to play on...