We've started picking and harvesting from the garden...
All of the sweet cherries have been picked and eaten, and now the sour / pie cherries are ready. Though not as easy to eat by the handful, these cherries are delicious and take me back to the old farm in Michigan when the only cherries we knew about were in the trees around our place.

The hazelnuts (filberts for you Oregonian natives) are ready! The kids have always loved picking and eating these - they like them raw!

The rest of the garden is doing GREAT! Not one problem with deer - our yellow dog is doing a super job keeping the wildlife out.
Except for the skunk we caught, that is... maybe its the reek of skunk that keeps the deer away...

We finally completed the ramps for our new Garden House - to get the mower up and into it. Yeah!

We also have divided off our chicken coop - we've cut it into half with a screen door so we can start raising meat chickens soon. Stay tuned for that one.

The kids were really excited to pull the first carrots - and the purple ones are doing well, too! Yummy and sweet.

Our first picking of beans, too. Green beans, yellow beans, purple beans... did someone forget to plant the magic beans???
These tasted FANTASTIC! Buttered and salted - one of the true tastes of summer-time.

Oh no! This was a close call! This little doe was in the neighbor's yard, just outside of the garden... where is the yellow dog when we needed her!
It is always fun to see the deer... especially as they run away. Shoo!