We travelled up to Lacy, WA this weekend to see family and friends for the 4th of July. It was blazing hot, so we took the older kids out rafting the Nisqually River. It was a blast! We put in at McKenna - by the Stewart Meats store, and took out 5 hours later down at the Centralia Power Plant. It was a
LONG run, and we got off later in the day, but it was perfect. Hot weather, cool water, and just enough water we only got stuck 3 times in the raft. Here is the crew loading up.

Here the kayakers are scouting the 'rapids' for us in the raft.
There weren't any serious rapids, but enough that the 10 year olds had fun and it was good training to get them ready for the Deschutes river run coming up later in August.

Lots of slower, "frog" water to jump and swim in...

Some of the cliffs had streams falling from them... so of course we aimed right for them. Bulls-eye!
They weren't paying attention on the first one, but after that they spotted the falls before I could!

Here is Jake 'riding the bull'. These little rapids were more like "riding the kitty", but fun enough.
Its important to expose kids to adventure and experience as much as possible - keep it controlled enough that they are safe but crazy enough that they are on-edge! Puts hair on their chest.
Great day and lots of fun. Not a peep out of them after we got them warm and fed - they crashed hard, which is how we like it.