The Black River, between Tumwater, WA and Oakville, WA is a beautiful, slow-running river through paradise. We've fished it for years and caught Salmon (Kings, Silvers, and Chum!), bass, carp, perch, suckers, and salamanders. It wanders through beautiful, quiet overgrowth that quickly takes you into the wilds of the Yukon, where never a man has set foot. The water can go from 6 inches to as deep as 20 feet! One year we lost a small outboard motor - in the 20 foot deep section, of course - and had to scuba dive its recovery! Thats another story...

Why is seaweed just like mud... sooner or later someone has to start throwing it at you! Because it was hot, no one minded waterfights... but seaweed fights are new and exciting!
She nailed me with this one...

... but I got my revenge! She was covered in green goo - too much goo to show a picture on this family blog! She did a green-goo CHARGE at me, so I washed her off in the river!
Great fun. The river - any river - is always a great idea in on a Pacific NorthWest summer day.