Over the weekend several congregations of our church got together at a farm up Dutch Canyon in Scappoose, OR for a few days of camping and fun.
A beautiful place - plenty of space to roam and enough shade to beat-the-heat. Scappoose Creek runs through the area, and it was perfect for all the kids.

We were celebrating Pioneer stuff, so there was square dancing, guitar playing, and overall hanging out stuff. None of the hiking or dusty trails, though...

The creek was nice and small, so the little kids weren't in any real danger. There was a swimminng hole, too with an ancient rope swing...

Some great Dutch Oven cooking... some of these guys are really good at cooking! Alot of useful tips and tricks to try if we ever take a hand at heavy-pot cookin'. Note how this guy stacks the ovens - a few brickets under the bottom ones, and then some on top of each oven is all it takes - the chicken is boiling!

Most all of the kids spent their time knee-deep... catching crawdads, splashing, playing, or throwing rocks.

This little dude got pretty ambitious with the bigger rocks...
A very fun trip and great way to enjoy the summer in the Pacific NorthWest!