The green beans are pretty much done. We picked and canned well over 80 quarts this year, and they are fantastic beans. The rest of the garden has really taken off (and the weeds, too!) and we've started harvesting many of the other vegetables.
Several nice pickings of brocoli...

Our oldest son's flowers have turned out great! Doesn't he look proud...

We also picked our first ear of corn! Yeah - the first one is always a big deal. It was alittle thin, still, but we couldn't wait...

... neither could the little guy! He didn't need it to be cooked, just needed it in his hands!

Our lemon cucumbers are doing really well, too. These were a fun new thing to try - glad we all like them so much, because we have alot of them!

After 10 minutes in the garden, we had a nice basket of goodies. I little of everything, and alot of somethings.
Too much squash!
The best part is the fun times out in the plants with the kids. They have worked really hard, and get very excited to see all the produce and reap the harvest. All good things in life require work... and the work and the harvest are sweet!