As mentioned before, the crows did a number on our early corn, so we've replanted 6 more rows. Nice thing is that since we were so early this year getting the garden in, we still have plenty of time getting this last planting into the ground. The nice sunny, hot May weather is also a blessing!

Most of the blossoms are gone, and this week most of the early fruit has appeared! Yeah! All the snow this winter seemed to hammer the strawberries, but they are going strong and vigorous now! Trying to grow inside the shop, even.

You can see here we have ALOT of baby berries. Time to guard against slugs, and put the bird netting out.

Last year we planted a Nectarine tree, and this year it seems we have a few fruit trying to come on. Hurray! I'm curious to see how Nectarines do on this side of the Cascade Mountains... stay tuned.

The cherries are coming on strong, too - about the size of a dime.

The apples are slower to come on, but they are there! So far it looks like another bumper year, so long as the weather, etc hold.

We are alittle disappointed that most of the cherries have NOT developed. I'm not sure if it is the couple of cold days we had, or what, but most of the early cherries are dropping off, and you can see they never really started to grow. Hmmmm...