Sorry about the last post - this one will be better.
Fall leaves are great - until they get wet, brown, and mushy. Until then, they are alot of fun.
Not sure what she is doing with this, but she thought it was fun...

Boys like using power-tools. He was having fun until he thought of a way to fire up a motor...
Blowers are a great way to take care of leaves...

...and it keeps the kids at it!

We've also turned the chickens out into the garden. They love all the bugs and left overs.
After just a few months they were well-trained to go back into their roost at night. We aren't as well -trained, and have to keep reminding eachother to lock them up!

Here's a nice leaf picture - this would make a great picture for a puzzle! At least for a long wintery day with nothing else to do...

The flowers, cabbage, and carrots are still doing well in the garden.
Now our garden is more of a compost pile, though... getting ready for next year!