If you live in the Pacific NorthWest, and have any firearms around, sooner or later you will end up at a gravelpit.
Especially during the holidays.
Its too rainy out to hike, and sometimes the fish aren't biting...
...so lets go shooting!

The boys had a great time while visiting family out shooting an AR15 and 9MM.
The AR15 was a favorite!

There were alot of people there at the local gravel pit. It was a really nice one - alot of space and "left overs" to shoot at.
You can see that alot of folks use the pit over the years!

We didn't take the "BIG GUN" along this time, because of the rain.
We are all looking forward to the next time to get kicked by the Mule!

It is funny how shooting a loud gun can always put a smile on a boy's face...

Even shooting a little one makes them smile!
Boys are all about loud noises. The louder, the better.

This picture would make a great puzzle... don't you think?
A great time out enjoying the Pacific NW.
The year has started out with the right bang!