Here is a simple block of wood we drilled and embedded a 1/4" nut into - for mounting to our tripod. Easy, cheap, and ugly - just the way we like it.
Here is the wood mounted to the tripod, and our WiiMote "mounted" to the wood block with a high-tech fastener. Very quickly adjusted, I might add... too bad its pink.
Here is the final assembly - now we can use it as a Whiteboard and various other tracking for any Infrared (IR) lightsource.

Simply a LED, a switch, and batteries. Popped open here to replace the white LED with an IR LED for the WiiMote to track!

Here's the final assembly - popped the old LED out, the new IR LED in, and just touch the switch to turn it on/off. Nice elastic on it, too for "hands free" hand tracking ;-)
The tripod mount and finger-LED cost a total of $0.51... well within our requirements. Except we can only track 4 at a timeusing the Wii, so no thumbs can play... bummer.