Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time Off for Camp

Some of us spent time at Girl's Camp this week, and it is ALWAYS a blast.

The weather was great, and the girls eat WAY better than scouts do when camping!

Alot of skits and songs around the firesides.

Of course, we can't show all the goofy fun - what happens at Girl's Camp stays at Girl's Camp...

... but it was fun.

One lunch was Dutch Oven cooking.

Thats alot of iron in the fire!

Only three men in camp, so they had cooking duties...

With all the activities, training, and work the girls had, there was still alot of time to hang out, read, think, and mess around.

Several days the girls practiced their archery skills.

They all got really good!

The best part of archery is that no one was hurt!

A great campout and lots of fun.

Can't wait to go back next year.