The tomatoes are loaded, and starting to redden.
Too much squash, though!
Our nectarine tree also carried its lone fruit to the end - they turned out FANTASTIC!
Now, if only alittle more volume...
The kids never noticed all the berries, which is probably why we got so many and why they are sweet!
Finally, after pulling it out the 3rd time, it is fixed. The first two times the starter tested "GOOD!"
Stinkin' piece of junk...
Seed pods are what got Luther Burbank started in his wild botany work that resulted in most of our fruit and vegetable varieties we enjoy today!
Hmmm.... what freakish creations can we cross-breed in our garden??? Stay tuned!
Now we are on to the 6 boxes of pears!
The kids have been a great help - canning is really a fun time for the family visiting and watching movies while we work on the fish and fruit.
This is the time of year to raise PIGS - with all the canning waste, they would be in heaven!
The "feathered pigs" really enjoy all of the peelings, too. Who would have thought chickens would fight over pear skins?
The long sunlight of September gets us thinking of fresh grape pie... and this year we'll be getting some local honey to make grape jelly with...
This is a great time of year with all the gathering in - fish, fruit, and garden grub. Hope you are enjoying it, too!