By the time we got the starter replaced in the pickup, it was too late to go fishing. So... we hooked a video camera up to some party balloons, tied them to a fishing pole, and had some fun!
First, we tried 3 balloons. Expectations were high!
This way, tension on the line will help point the camera at us.
The three balloons were not quite bouyant with the weight of the camera.
Bummer! It would rise alittle, but never more than 10-12 feet high.
Six balloons was just exactly "neutral bouyancy". In the sun with hot thermals, the camera would rise.
Any wind, though, and it would drop.
Next time, a DOZEN balloons!
The fishing pole worked well to control and reel in the line.
Besides - any time a fishing pole is involved, it is fun, right?
Here we are looking up as traffic whizzes by...
This is better than Google Earth! More current, too.
The video is great, though very shakey at times as the breeze mixes it up with the balloons.
We need to engineer a setup to keep the camera stable, while pointed back at us.
We ran out of memory on our 2GB memory cards too quickly. After lots of fun, we turned the balloons over to the little kids to reel in and play with.
Next time, we have 4 or 5 big weather balloons - we're going to fill those babies up and then we'll have trouble keeping up with the wind!