Thought we'd share some do-it-yerself method for mounting a pheasant. Its actually pretty easy and straight-forward to do. Besides - we always feel alittle guilt tossing out all those beautiful feathers.
This way is pretty simple and very cheap - only about $5 or less, depending on how much you want to make of your own materials. Best part is, if you goof up, oh well!
We mounted quite a few birds way-back-when (when we had a place to hunt them!) and this technique worked well for birds mounted inside a wreath. Stand-alone birds are much more difficult, but something to try.
So here we go!
First, we need to make a body for the bird. simply bend an old wire hanger into the approximate length we need. It needs to extend from the base of the tail up to the base of the skull.
Next step is to pad it with newspaper. Use an interesting paper, so in 50 years when the bird falls apart the owner has something interesting to read...
Try different materials, too. Now is also a good time if you want to bend it into different shapes.
To have the bird stand alone in a standing pose, you'll need wire and support in here too.
Now... onto the bird!
Don't wrap it in plastic or newspaper - it will fold the feathers and leave ink on them. Butcher paper is best.
Make sure its thawed out before cutting on it.
The skin is very fragile, so go slow to avoid tears. If it does tear, no big deal but it will take time to stitch it up.
With the legs and tail off, take the skin off up to the head.
Also, try to keep the openning in the skin as small as possible - less stitching later.
Here you can see the eye-hole in the skin, pulled forward over the beak. The base of the skull is exposed on the right side.
It is important to get all the brain, eyeballs, and tongue out of the skull.
Alittle gruesome, but it is very fasinating to look at. The kids will love it (even though they squeal). A pheasant's eye is as big (or larger) than its whole brain! No wonder they can see so well.
Van Dykes sells a white preservative powder, or you can buy powder citric acid (food grade) that works really well, too.
Be sure to rub the powder into all of the skin, skull, leg, and tail parts of the skin to preserve it as long as possible.
Now, with the skull dry and powdered, we're going to build up the head and eyes of the bird.
Again, Van Dykes sells plastic or glass eyes - they are about $2 for the pair and the only real expense. Get good ones.
Now, we're simply going to fill up the skull with modelling clay or putty.
Use a putty or clay that won't shrink when it dries.
Try different things, see what you like.
Be sure to get the skin smoothed and in place, then touch-up the eyes. With a toothpick or similar tool, pull the skin around the eyes to cover up any clay, and to give it a life-like expression... kind of like "oh crap! He's got a gun!"
Now is the hardest thing - stitching up the skin. Hopefully there aren't any tears and the openning is small. Use a needle and thread and stitch up the openning.
The nice thing about putting it in a wreath is that it hides the stitching. The feathers will help hide it too.
Note - we left the legs on, but in a wreath or wall-mount you don't need to.
Yeah, it looks alittle shabby, but it will clean up really nice. As the skin drys, it also helps fluf the feathers and really gives a nice shape to the bird.
Yeah, it looks alittle shabby, but it will clean up really nice. As the skin drys, it also helps fluf the feathers and really gives a nice shape to the bird.
For paper, just fold each piece about 1" wide along the length of the sheet, like so.
Didn't he do a good job!
Those kindergarden skills come in handy... best 3 years of Dad's life.
Don't worry too much about staples through the wings - they will turn out pretty good.
After 2 weeks or so, the wings will dry into this position and we'll take out the paper.
Now, we wait. Be sure to position the bird so it will dry well, without anything being smashed, etc. Store it out of the way in a dry place, and after 2-3 weeks it will be ready!
In the Pacific NorthWest be especially mindful of damp air - don't want mold.
In the Pacific NorthWest be especially mindful of damp air - don't want mold.
This mount will last 5-6 good years without smell or decay. After that you'll probably be bored with it, or you can do another one. The first one will take about 2 -4 hours, but after you've done it a few times it goes quickly.
Best part is that it is inexpensive and fun. They make great gifts, too. It is really great to make use of the best part of the bird - the beautiful plummage.
After mounting a pheasant or two... try a duck! They are actually easier because of their oily skin, and they are really cool.
Not as nice as a professional mount, but for $5 and the afternoon, not bad, either.