The plan was for two nights... but the load of gear says "two weeks". Its nice to take anything that sounds good.
The favorite beach activity was 'dune cliff jumping'.
At least it doesn't sting...
...and the kids are less prone to put it in their pocket and forget about it.
We had great weather and beautiful sunsets.
With sunsets, even.
Its funny when Dad tries to get one.
It is nice with the kids to get them wet for a long time without the sandy mess. Going to the beach always brings expectations from the kids to swim, but Oregon's waters are cold and treacherous, so a pool is just the ticket.
And a new swimsuit is even MORE exciting!
Not dangerous, that is, until 30 or 40 kids are on it at a time!
Or a couple Dads jump on...
They spent more time posing for photos than hitting the stakes, though.
But that is good family time, too.
Be sure to show up early and don't leave your seat, because the good spots fill up fast!
Everything is within an easy ride - the beach, the lake, the sites...
and with the paths everywhere, the heavy vehicle traffic wasn't a big deal.
and with the paths everywhere, the heavy vehicle traffic wasn't a big deal.
We saw alot of fish caught, though, and some of them were big (~15-16") so it is worth checking out in the future.
I guess with the video games run out of batteries, there is something else in the world to do.
And then delete later on. How many pictures of a seagull do we need?
Digital cameras are great - and so is the delete key after the vacation is over!
Forget oil - we need more sugar and the world will continue to turn... only faster when powered by a 6-year old on s'mores!
Big, fat, and sassy, these coons were bold and picky.
The KOA's cabins were very comfortable.
We loaded up the kids, got ready for church, and made the drive to the Long Beach, WA branch where we had an assignment.
The best way to end a great weekend as a family - real "quality" family time.