So, we kicked around ideas on how to get even MORE salmon. We came up with this simple application that downloads images of salmon moving over Bonneville Dam, and displays those images on our computer's desktop.
Now, we can watch the fish all the time!
Features are simple - tell it how often to refresh the image, and if you want it to save those images.
The saved images are fun to watch in a time-lapse video during those times when you aren't connected to the internet...
I've added a bunch of error and image checking that helps ensure good images are received, but it still isn't as robust as I'd like.
Still... when its working, its fun!
Our usual fileshare server is down - if you'd like a copy of the application, shoot us an email and we'll send it along. Just be warned - this much salmon is NOT good for you and we can't be responsible for feeding the addiction.