Fortunately, a good friend had all the casting equipment for the job.
We picked up some brass loops, and heated up alot of lead.
Pretty simple setup - same as for cooking crab or scalding chickens.
We've never done this before, so it was a new adventure.
Its important to keep the molds HOT, so the lead fills the entire cavity before hardening too much.
The motor is running well, but still getting too hot at slower RPMs - the poppet valve cleaning did NOT fix the issue.
We also put a new layer of 'liquid' tape on the bolts, to keep corrosion down. More on that, later.
Pretty straightforward, too. Just keep the lead good 'n hot, and pour slowly and smoothly.
And don't get burned.
The only other step was to trim the weights and put the excess lead back into the pot.
So... we threw them in the pot, too.
We also had fun pouring hot lead into a bucket of water, and other fun stuff... but safety first, of course.
Especially when putting wet items back into the hot lead - pop!
They sure like nice 'n shiny...
Another fun project here in the great Pacific NorthWest.