I think this dude is part elk - he is cagey and sneaky!
Here he is - back in the same bed we spotted him in the day before. This time we took the .30-30 rifle to persuade him to stop and reason with us about coming home.
Its not that we minded him roaming the hills and scaring the neighbors - but we worried someone would get hurt, property would be damaged, etc. Besides - this has gone on for 6 weeks now.
Down. Easy, clean, and now its done.
Here is where he dropped from where I shot. It feels like I've been hunting for weeks already, and the deer hunt is still weeks away...
This was the only way - you can't even put a rope on a 1200lbs animal.
Oh, he saw it before, and aimed for the same spot.
This is one Pacific NorthWest Adventure we are glad to end. Now comes the work...