So we're still out-n-about exploring the Pacific NWest, however the blogging about our adventures has kind of run its course... at least for now.
We do have other projects in the works, and you can read some of the info on them at another blog we tend now-n-then:
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Monday, February 6, 2012
Falconry and Hawk Hunting

There were 8 birds there, and alot of great people who love the sport - they were patient and willing to answer all of our crazy questions.
Here is a young red-tail hawk that was trapped 5 days earlier.

Pretty slick idea... we'll have to give this one a try.
Unfortunately, we had to leave before the pig was done. Next time, though.

This was definitely a "hands on" event.
Several groups with larger birds went rabbit hunting, and two birds were successful.

This falcon warmed up easily with so many admirers.

In the afternoon, the highlight was a pigeon derby - one-by-one the birds took to the field and hunted homing pigeons as they were released.
The pigeons were pretty cagey - only 2 of the 8 or 9 released was caught by the raptors. One flew into the crowd in its effor to escape, with this hawk hot on its heels.
Here is the video link of the hunt- the birds were right in among us, and we could almost reach up and grab them! If you dare - they were moving along fast, and pretty serious!

These birds were all business!
A fantastic day - both the birds and the weather were perfect.
New Year, Fewer Posts
This time of year we should be hovering around the Cowlitz river, waiting for smelt to show up for dipping. However, smelt are no longer 'dip-able' in the Pacific NorthWest, so we've been busy with other things...
While in Texas, I made it out to Galviston to see some water. No fishing this trip, but we scouted it out.

Taste the rainbow!

The last few days of nice weather were great to plow the garden up, working in all the leaves from last fall.

We still have lots of trees here in the PNW... so we've been cutting alot of them down to make room for a larger garden.
We've also planted alot of fruit trees, too.
Too many pines and firs!
These blackberry fritters turned out AWESOME! Good thing they made 36 of them!
Beautiful weather, but their drought is bad.
We still have plenty of wet in the PNW...

That didn't last long, either!

Taste the rainbow!

The last few days of nice weather were great to plow the garden up, working in all the leaves from last fall.
We also broke ground on the new garden area cleared of trees.
We mixed up a batch of Vinegarrete dye by washing off steel wool with acetone, then mixing the wool with Apple cider vinegar. In a few weeks it will be a good, black dye.
It is dried well, and now we are stretching and breaking it in to be extra soft and supple.
The black dye will look great with blue-glass beads and the white leather...
We won't be posting as frequently these next few weeks, but rest assured there are lots of new projects going on.
We won't be posting as frequently these next few weeks, but rest assured there are lots of new projects going on.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas!

Guns on the holiday? Yep - its one of our family traditions each year to get out and keep busy.
No sense sitting around when there are things to do, see, and explore. Traditions make any holiday better.

Well, most of them sleep, many of them can't. Too excited!

Grandma loves getting swamped with little kids... and gives them a new ornament every year.

Dad takes care of the testing and volume work...

Barbarian feast is another Christmas holiday favorite - no manners, no utensils, no plates... just lots of good finger food!

It was a nice chance for the rest of us (boys) who didn't have musical talents to perform at the Talent Show.
Here she is lipsync'ing to her favorite - Harry Connick Jr.

Of course Dad has his work projects, and I have to work hard to keep the kids busy each day with stuff to make their vacation days "meaningful"!
Stacking branches in the winter is a favorite project... for Dad.
Lots of reading.
We rent movies for the holiday, too, and on New Years we'll watch Ben Hur or Fiddler on the Roof again.
Making meaningful Traditions is important to us, and valued by the kids.
Of course, the greatest Tradition is celebrating the birth and gift of the Son of God to the world, and all of our family Traditions tie into that greatest event.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Rawhide to Leather

Using wood ash was much better at taking off the membranes and hair, though we did leave the hides soaking for almost 3 weeks.
They started to stink, but the hair and fat came off FAST!

The hides are small enough to do in a 5 gal bucket - with 4 gal water we added 2 oz "safety-acid" from VanDyke's Taxidermy, and added 3 lbs salt.

We have some cool gift ideas for Mom, so stay tuned on how the leather work comes along.
Rawhide Cordage

We took a 10" x 17" piece of rawhide, and using a strip cutter we quickly cut the hide into 1/2" strips.

Wrinkles in the hide made us slow down, but not much.

The end.

From that small piece, we cut a strip 21.5 feet long!

We soaked the dry rawhide strip in some rainwater and salt for about a half hour to make it easier to work.
It was easy work and went quick. Careful, though, because a couple of the 'wrinkles' in the strip broke easily.
It worked well to tie the pieces together and stretch it out - in fact after it dried we could hardly feel the bumps.
It has been really dry this December, so we didn't go out and restretch it.
After a week, we checked the cord, then worked it over a branch to make it more supple and smooth.
After the final workout, the total cord length had grown to almost 30 feet long!
Very cool. It is strong and easy to use. Fun!
Fungus Fight

Apparently it is caused by a fungus.
The internet is awesome - with Google I could diagnose the root cause, get inputs from strangers all across America, and find several options for fixing it. Oh, and we ordered the chemicals online, too.

The recipe and cost were easy to take. Some care needed to avoid contact.

Obviously the peaches are slow to loose their leaves this year.
The fungiside is easy to see.

Here you can see the withered leaves from summer.
Once the new leaves appear it is too late to treat them for the fungus, so we will hopefully get rid of it before spring.

Busted Backhoe

The old fittings were actually a 'quick couple' type fitting - all you need is a length of hose and I can manually make a new hose. Nice to have on hand, though NAPA didn't know what to do with it.
So, we have shiny new compression fittings on the replacement hose.

It took us a while to 'bleed' out the air from the steerage, though, since there are no valves in the steering linkage.
So what we did is elevate the front wheels, and while adding fluid we worked the steering back and forth.

Messy, though.

The pin holding the stabilizer to the hoe was loose, and would damage the back tire often.

Good to have a strong back helping!

Back in business, just in time for the holidays!
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